Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Social Poets: Jon Stewart Interviews Losing Lawyer On Supreme Court Strip Search Case

Jon Stewart
Jon Stewart (Image via
The Social Poets: Jon Stewart Interviews Losing Lawyer On Supreme Court Strip Search Case: From Denny:  Check out Jon Stewart in this unusual interview of the lawyer who lost the most important case for the world.

If you get arrested for a speeding ticket, jaywalking, a bell too quiet on your bicycle and other minor offences, then you all get arrested and strip searched by the police as a matter of regular procedure. Yes, America has entered the world of the outrageous.

America, as you know it, no longer exists as we are now officially a police state.  Americans have lost the majority of our rights - like civil rights, privacy rights, and just about everything else they could take.  All our rights have slowly eroded since 9/11 out of the fear of terrorism.

Police now possess sweeping, authoritarian, unlimited, absolute powers to do whatever they like to you, your spouse, your family, your children, your friends because it is all at the discretion of the police.  If a cop is having a bad day then expect yours to get a lot worse too because there is nothing to stop him.

Poems From A Spiritual Heart: The Long Road, An Easter Poem

Long Road's End Poems From A Spiritual Heart: The Long Road, An Easter Poem: From Denny:  An Easter poem about how sacrifice can deliver unexpected pleasant surprises.  With global protests against oppressive governments, like the Arab Spring in the Middle East, and against greedy Big Business like the Occupy Protests in the West, it is evident there is great need in the world.

When economic times and society get hard pressed what is the one thing you can do about all the wrong going on around you?  You can be a friend.  You can slow down, even come to a full stop on your own life, and look around to see what is happening in your vicinity.

To address the needs, think of offering some real friendship and mentor those around you.  You will be surprised how many people will tell you how glad they are you took time for them as they thought no one would ever notice how much they were struggling.  It could be at work, at church, your neighborhood, the local grocery store, anywhere.  Offering the fact that you care is often the most appreciated.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Social Poets: Obama and Supreme Court Order Strip Searches For Minor Offences Too, Impeach Them All

The Supreme Court of the United States. Washin...

The Social Poets: Obama and Supreme Court Order Strip Searches For Minor Offences Too, Impeach Them All: From Denny:  The Supreme Court, in its demented wisdom, decided to put all of America on notice.  We all can be strip searched for no good reason.  America is now under lock down and an official police state.  Worried about safety in the jail system, the "Justices" have now effectively jailed all of America.

Over 700,000 people get arrested for minor offences in America every year.  For what did they get strip searched?  Get this:  riding a bike with an inaudible bell, walking a dog off a leash or driving with a noisy muffler.

A nun was strip searched for trespassing during an anti-war demonstration, if you drive without a license, failing to use a turn signal are all incidents where this strip search procedure has been employed.  Talk about outrageous.

The Social Poets: Obama and Supreme Court Order Strip Searches For Minor Offences Too, Impeach Them All

The Supreme Court of the United States. Washin...

The Social Poets: Obama and Supreme Court Order Strip Searches For Minor Offences Too, Impeach Them All: From Denny:  The Supreme Court, in its demented wisdom, decided to put all of America on notice.  We all can be strip searched for no good reason.  America is now under lock down and an official police state.  Worried about safety in the jail system, the "Justices" have now effectively jailed all of America.

Over 700,000 people get arrested for minor offences in America every year.  For what did they get strip searched?  Get this:  riding a bike with an inaudible bell, walking a dog off a leash or driving with a noisy muffler.

A nun was strip searched for trespassing during an anti-war demonstration, if you drive without a license, failing to use a turn signal are all incidents where this strip search procedure has been employed.  Talk about outrageous.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dennys Global Politics: Syria: How Long Can Assad Last? What Are World Leaders Doing To End Killings?

Assad Democracy!
Assad Democracy! (Photo credit: FreedomHouse2)
Dennys Global Politics: Syria: How Long Can Assad Last? What Are World Leaders Doing To End Killings?: From Denny:  Will world leaders be successful in ending the carnage in Syria as the dictator continues to massacre his own people?  Will the Arab nations get serious and quit sitting on the sidelines, always expecting America to fix it with our blood and money?  How much patience do the American people have for yet another war in the Middle East?

International envoy and former United Nations chief, Kofi Annan, announced today that Assad has agreed to end hostilities by April 10th by pulling out troops and tanks from the big cities.  Of course, few in the international world believe Assad will live up to his agreement as he is known for breaking previous promises.  World leaders now believe that the Annan six-point peace plan has been violated and are working to develop additional plans to curb Assad beside diplomatic courses and economic sanctions.
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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Social Poets: Rush Limbaugh: Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire About Advertisers Status

Rush Limbaugh - Caricature
Rush Limbaugh - Caricature (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)
The Social Poets: Rush Limbaugh: Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire About Advertisers Status: From Denny:  I'm with Jon Stewart.  Rush Limbaugh just keeps on giving the comedy material, serving it up on a silver platter. His latest gambit is to now challenge the logic about his advertisers' performance since they left his show or if they stayed.

Normal people call it irrational logic, you know, an oxymoron attempt by Rush.  Sometimes, this guy is just too much fun to lampoon.  It's as silly as the research scientists who decided after lengthy study that, "People die six months before or six months after their birthdays."  That stupid study must have been underwritten by Limbaugh.
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