Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Social Poets: 12 Best of The Web Funny April Fools Day: Pranked, Spoofed and Trashed

The Social Poets: 12 Best of The Web Funny April Fools Day: Pranked, Spoofed and Trashed: "There are those among us - of a cheeky bent - who look forward to this one day a year when people forgive us for pranking them. Today the web was full of April Fool's Day fun from every angle, a real bumper crop of craziness!

1 - First up: Google leads the fun with their prank about their new feature of 'motion-controlled' email. After all, typing on a keyboard is 'so last century,' right? And Google says it's also 'outdated' and 'inefficient.'

'To open a message make a movement as if you were opening an envelope. To reply, simply point backward with your thumb,' Google says in a video demonstration. More instructions? 'To reply all, use both hands. To send a message, lick a stamp and place it down.'

Well, you too can look like a complete fool by believing this satire and standing up in your office cubicle on Freaky Friday and get elected Fool Of The Day by using various body language to instruct your computer. It's like using cat body language to write an email. Hey, whatever floats your boat."

Dennys Art Sanctuary: 35 Stunning April Wallpapers

Dennys Art Sanctuary: 35 Stunning April Wallpapers: "OK, I found all my favorites for the month of April out there in Wallpaper Land and posted them here for you. These are mainly desktop wallpapers, available without the calendars and in various sizes. Don't worry about the screen shot if it has a year on it as there are those images available without a specific date. All of these images were vetted to avoid that frustration. There are some wallpapers available for smaller technology than a desktop and there are links to the designers' sites. These beauties were found in the 'basement archives' of Smashing Magazine. Enjoy!"

The Social Poets: Funny April Fools Day - Cheeky Quote Day

The Social Poets: Funny April Fools Day - Cheeky Quote Day 31 Mar 2010: "Just how old is the April Fools Day custom? Back in the 1500's, about 1582 in France, the day began as a way to ridicule stodgy people who were too stubborn to change with the times. Spring time is the season of change and cultures have always honored it. What funnier way to honor the concept of change in our lives than to play an April Fool's Day joke on someone? Tell yourself to be a good sport if you find yourself on the other side of that practical joke. The whole point of the day is to learn how to laugh at yourself because that is a sure sign that you are no fool. Ah, the road to wisdom... :)"

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Video: Stephen Colbert: Turd Sandwich in Libya

Stephen Colbert in New York City at Border's s...Image via Wikipedia

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Video: Stephen Colbert: Turd Sandwich in Libya: "Only Stephen Colbert can put lipstick on a pig and call it beautiful. And that's what he did with Newt Gingrich's strange anti-Obama Anything that rarely makes sense these days. First, Newt is FOR a No-Fly Zone in Libya and then when Obama creates said zone, well, then Newtie is now against it. Go figure. Better yet - as Jon Stewart said, 'There are actually at least three women in America who have F'd Newt Gingrich. Now that's amazing!'

Turns out the funny name for this episode is because a White House aide told a reporter, Savannah Guthrie, that this Libya situation is basically so disgusting it's 'a turd sandwich.' Gee, and all the women in the world thought he was talking about Newtie. Hmmm... Gadafi or Newtie... yep, both are a filling for that sandwich.

What's funny is how badly the Republican critics of Obama kept trying to frame Obama's Libya speech. They tried to call it 'a dog's breakfast' to which Colbert puts up photos of breakfast at McDonald's to verify."

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Social Poets: Libya War: Funny Late Nite Jokes Roundup

Stephen Colbert arrives at Al Faw Palace at Ca...Image by DVIDSHUB via Flickr

The Social Poets: Libya War: Funny Late Nite Jokes Roundup: "Check out what the comedians lampoon about The Peace President, Obama, going into Libya. Boy, I tell ya, a guy tries to help out some desperate people in a foreign country from getting slaughtered and all he gets is flak from the Republicans and comedians.

Of course, like so many sticky political situations, it's all about The Ego. The mostly male media ratchets up The Ego Meter by declaring Prez Obama is a wimp if he doesn't succeed at deposing Gadafi now that he's declared, 'Gadafi must go!' So, suddenly out come The Big Guns: the CIA operatives magicly appear in Libya 'advising' the rebel forces. Read that as, 'These guys are so clueless the only way to keep them alive is knock some sense into them and show them how to win.'"

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Visual Insights: Dennys Photo Gallery: Winter Ice and Snow

Abominable Snow DawgAbominable Snow Dog Image by Christmas w/a K via Flickr

Visual Insights: Dennys Photo Gallery: Winter Ice and Snow: "Here I am in the middle of a Spring pollen blizzard with 85 degree weather posting winter snow and ice photography. Uh, the rest of the nation may not be south Louisiana like where I live. In fact, here it is late March and parts of America are still experiencing snow storms and icy driving conditions. The month of March this year of 2011 refuses to go out like a lamb but rather prefers to be a drama queen and exit like a lion!

Just think, you can revisit this post come July when the weather is sweltering and you are fondly remembering cold weather as something wonderful. Enjoy my visual vacation where I rest from writing by combing through Flickr looking for interesting photos to fit a theme. You get to see some new photography talent and lovely images along the way. I try to feature and promote photographers, both amateur and professional, from all over the world. I'm an equal opportunity photo junkie..."
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Monday, March 28, 2011

The Social Poets: Libya: Gadafi Regime Cracking Under Pressure Says Intel

The Social Poets: Libya: Gadafi Regime Cracking Under Pressure Says Intel: " The intelligence community is reporting 'the morale of Gadhafi forces is on the decline,' according to one official. 'Do ya think?' Your morale would be on the decline after witnessing coalition bombings taking out whole regiments of troops along with bombing cities. It's a lot different when the horror you once inflicted upon others becomes your own blood and guts horror.

Sounds like America's intelligence community so owes me a paycheck. :) They have finally come to the same conclusion as I have that The Gadafi Crowd can't handle the international heat and fear the massing crowds of Libyans who hate him."

Dennys Global Politics: Peoples Revolution Recaptures Port Cities: Libya Political Cartoons

Tornado GR4 Takes Off from RAF Marham to Enfor...Image by Defence Images via Flickr

Dennys Global Politics: Peoples Revolution Recaptures Port Cities: Libya Political Cartoons: "Since the U.S. and the minority coalition established the No-Fly Zone over Libya last week, the rebels have fared better. To gain control over the skies, it was necessary to destroy Gadafi compounds, tanks, anti-aircraft batteries, weapons dumps and whole regiments of troops on the move. In short, America, the British and the French decimated most of the Gadafi regime.

At present, the rebels have marched along the coastal cities, taking back ownership after Gadafi drove them out with aerial bombings and tank bombardments. Turn about was fair play and Gadafi's troops got a taste of the horror they inflicted upon others, now visited upon themselves."

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Social Poets: Japan: We Are Far Beyond Level 5 Nuclear Threat

Photo of Three Mile Island nuclear power plant...Three Mile Island - Image via Wikipedia

The Social Poets: Japan: We Are Far Beyond Level 5 Nuclear Threat: "Today it was finally acknowledged the radiation is now 10,000,000 times safety levels.

New reports stream in about how TEPCO did not do safety inspections over many years.  Today another blow to their credibility:"

The Social Poets: Japan: Probable Breach, Time to Kill The Reactors, Cartoons

Plutonium PolycubesPlutonium Finishing Plant personnel have finished stabilizing one of the riskiest forms of plutonium-bearing materials at Hanford. Polycubes are small cubes of polystyrene impregnated with pure plutonium oxide. Hundreds of polycube items remained at PFP after being fabricated for use in criticality experiments at Hanford during the 1960s and early 1970s. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory assisted in the cleanup of these difficult materials. - Image by PNNL - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory via Flickr

The Social Poets: Japan: Probable Breach, Time to Kill The Reactors, Cartoons: "As engineers scramble to discover the details of what is happening inside the most dangerous reactor, number three, the one containing plutonium, the politicians scramble their message and the truth of information.

This week the Japanese decided to change the standard of what the plant workers are exposed to when they discovered it was 250 times the acknowledged international standard. Leave it to the dogma crowd to downplay the severity of this situation by declaring 'new standards' of radiation levels so that the plant workers are only exposed to 2.5 times their new standard."


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