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Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Soul Calendar: Astronomy: Tonite Trio Saturn, Moon and Star Spica Triple Threat

The Soul Calendar: Astronomy: Tonite Trio Saturn, Moon and Star Spica Triple Threat: From Denny:  Does this month get any better?  We have a Super Moon on Saturday too.

Tonight, 3 May 2012, is a special treat for skywatchers about an hour after the sun sets.  Look up in the sky and you will get the special eye candy treat to behold a rare beautiful sight: a triple conjunction of the planet Saturn, the bright star Spica and our moon.

What is a conjunction?  It's simple.  It's just when two or more astonomical objects appear to be close together in the sky.  Of course, the reality is that they are definitely far apart but rather it is our perspective viewing them here on Earth that gives the suggestion they are so close together.

Astrologers and astronomers like to argue over whether a conjunction is significant.  The astrologers believe a conjunction can cause serious effects.  Astronomers take a more laid back approach and tell us just to look up and enjoy the beautiful sight.
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dennys Art Sanctuary: Music: Fun Cartoon Video, Beatles Hard Days Night

Dennys Art Sanctuary: Music: Fun Cartoon Video, Beatles Hard Days Night: From Denny:  Need a fun break away from your routine?  This little video is just the answer for a head trip to get you laughing once again.  Courtesy of The Beatles of a Blast From The Past - 1964 to be exact. :)

By the way some previously unreleased black and white photos from 1964 of The Beatles is up for auction this month.  The 87-year-old photographer did not realize he was sitting on a gold mine.

No one has seen these photos of the band as they have been hidden away in the old guy's photo album for almost 50 years.  Old people; gotta love 'em!

The photographer was Peter Allchorne, the studio props manager for the movie.  He seemed to ignore the ban on taking photos on the set and did it anyway.

The Soul Calendar: Astronomy: Sky Watch Biggest 2012 Super Moon Saturday

Washington Moonrise

The Soul Calendar: Astronomy: Sky Watch Biggest 2012 Super Moon Saturday: From Denny:  Look up in the night sky this weekend for the most awesome extra-large and extra-bright moon viewing for the entire year of 2012.  The spectacular Super Moon will be showing off its size and brightness on 5 May 2012 at 11:35PM EDT.  It will swing in closer at 221,802 miles (356,955 kilometers) from Earth.

Why will the moon appear to be so large and bright?  Turns out this month's full moon also coincides with the time when the moon is closest in its approach to Earth, called the moon's perigee.

Another factor for this Super Moon show is because the perigee in this month will be the closest to Earth of any for this year, varying only by three percent.  How is that so?  According to meteorologist Joe Rao,'s skywatching columnist, "it happens because the moon's orbit is not perfectly circular."

How much brighter will the Super Moon be this month?  Try an extra 16 percent brighter than average.  Now that makes for great skywatching, even with the naked peepers (eyes).

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Social Poets: Funny Osama Bin Laden Posts, 1 Year Anniversary Dead

Jeff Stahler

The Social Poets: Funny Osama Bin Laden Posts, 1 Year Anniversary Dead: From Denny:  Today President Obama took yet another victory lap while in Afghanistan, spiking the proverbial football and crowing about how he "got" America's Number One Terrorist Boogeyman a year ago, Osama bin Laden.  Never mind the rest of us find this political boasting in an election year as really bad form, including Arianna Huffington.

Actually, it was the Navy Seals that killed the fool.  Why would a president that regularly has a hard time making any decisions go around the world crowing about how he made one decision to kill one terrorist in the comfort of the White House and well protected by thousands of bodyguards from thousands of miles away from the gore?  Come on; it has the look of election year desperation and is a bit pathetic.  It looks like the presidential version of an Elmo Happy Dance.

But hey, it's standard election year politics for both parties.  It's their job to live in a fantasy world about what is a great idea for focusing the public on all their accomplishments while in office. The objective is to distract away from what is making the public angry about the candidate's performance so the voters will forget and vote for him any way.  Yeah, Life in America.  Does it get any better?

Monday, April 30, 2012

The Social Poets: Obamas Whitewater: Political Vendetta, Persecuting John Edwards

John Edwards

The Social Poets: Obamas Whitewater: Political Vendetta, Persecuting John Edwards: From Denny:  Yeah, like this salacious trial is truly in the public interest.  More like it's in Team Obama's interest of eliminating possible political contenders as well as settling old political scores.

Axelrod, now Obama's "senior adviser" and handler,  is still smarting from when Edwards fired him from his 2008 presidential campaign and has been chasing revenge ever since.  It was foolish of Obama to give Axelrod his wish because now there will be blow back upon Obama, both political and criminal.

Oh, and did I mention how the lobbyists despise John Edwards for his campaign stand to eliminate them?  So, they decided to eliminate Edwards by making sure he is the object of such enduring public scorn and excessive humiliation to ensure he will not rise again as a national politician to thwart them.  Remember, Edwards is starting up a public interest law firm to fight lobbyists that have a stranglehold on our government and is no darling of the lobbyist community.


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