Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Social Poets: Good News: New Jobs Now Tout TVs Made In America


The Social Poets: Good News: New Jobs Now Tout TVs Made In America: From Denny:  With 31 million new jobs required to get this economy back on track it's good news to finally see an electronics manufacturer come back to America.  It's easily been at least a couple of decades since American TV manufacturers closed shop and either moved overseas for cheaper labor or, worse, went out of business.

Someone new is willing to take the gamble and hire American workers once again.  These larger TVs are assembled by American workers in hard hit Detroit, Michigan.  They just started up production in March and are competitive with China.

    Wednesday, April 25, 2012

    The Social Poets: Women: Pentagon Rapists Decide If Rapes Prosecuted

    Women on Top: How Real Life Has Changed Women'...
    Women on Top: How Real Life Has Changed Women's Sexual Fantasies (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

    The Social Poets: Women: Pentagon Rapists Decide If Rapes Prosecuted: From Denny:  This week two new lawsuits against the military were brought concerning sexual assaults in the military academies.  It was necessary because the women were unable to get investigations into the crimes.  They were also wrongfully discharged as retaliation for reporting their rapes.

    This past year sexual assault reports in the military have increased by 60 percent.  Sec. of Defense Leon Panetta reads that as women are more comfortable and trusting to make those reports.  Well, that's one optimistic way to view it.

    One one court martial for all those reports

    Of the 65 reports, only one resulted in a court martial.  It makes you wonder if only one out of the 65 was truly investigated so the Pentagon threw out this bone to the women's groups to look like they were achieving something significant.  And did I mention the White House declared April as Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month?


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