Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Social Poets: Egypt: Obama Blunders With $65 Million In Unwanted Democracy Grants

15 July 2011 - Tahrir Square protests, Photo by Kahlil Hamr/AP

The Social Poets: Egypt: Obama Blunders With $65 Million In Unwanted Democracy Grants: "From Denny: President Obama campaigned on how things would change in Washington. Well, he lied. Not much has changed, at least for the better.

The New Egypt

Fast forward to The Egypt Revolution and their transitional government getting its feet wet trying to create a new Egypt.

What does Obama do? He tries to do what America has always done: patronizingly decide what is good for someone else because we want to give it to you. Of course, foreign country gifts always come with a price tag, now don't they?

Now Obama seems to be equally emotionally tone deaf to their wishes for their own country. The latest move is to give out $65 million in 'democracy grants' to anyone who labels themselves a pro-democracy group."

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Social Poets: Funny Jon Stewart: Obama 50th Birthday Greetings From The Media

Day 163 - Happy Birthday

The Social Poets: Funny Jon Stewart: Obama 50th Birthday Greetings From The Media: "From Denny: President Obama gets funny 50th birthday wishes from Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and Harry Smith, formerly of CBS and now over at NBC. In the August blistering heat, two comedians didn't think twice about blistering Obama, turning up the political heat for his birthday on August 4th.

The truth hurts, as the saying goes, well, at least the comedians made it funny. Obama can look to Harry Smith to give him a kinder, gentler birthday wish. Check out The Owners Guide to Turning 50 from Harry Smith. 'You are only as old as Congress makes you feel.'"


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