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Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Social Poets: International Womens Day: Whats Happening Around The World

The Social Poets: International Womens Day: Whats Happening Around The World: From Denny:  Women are in crisis around the globe this year - from the Middle East to Europe to America.  For the Middle East it is about torture, malicious prosecution, unjust imprisonment and the selling into prostitution and slavery of both women and their children.

For America it is about dealing with the Hate Merchants women are expected to shrug off and endure as it contributes to domestic abuse, unequal pay and hiring in the work place and vicious gang rape in our military.  In Europe women are dealing with a deep economic crisis that is rocking the foundations of society, robbing hope for the next generation's prosperity.
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Dennys Global Politics: Egypt: Revolution Loses Meaning As Women Denied Rights, Role in Society

photo by Fatma Naib

Dennys Global Politics: Egypt: Revolution Loses Meaning As Women Denied Rights, Role in Society: From Denny:  Egypt held so much hope for the world when the Arab Spring broke out last year, toppling the regime.

Then reality set in.  The very women that protected the men who marched, the very women who gave medical aid and money to help the revolution, were turned upon and denied their respect and freedom.

The protesters took it all and gave nothing in return by denying women a seat at the table while they restructured the national government.  The former male protesters and the Egyptian military council refused the concepts of generosity, kindness, partnership and equality.  To the women, the protesters and the military are no different than the regime:  all deny freedom and equal rights to women.
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Monday, March 5, 2012

The Social Poets: 10 Advertisers Flee Pervert Rush Limbaugh After Weekend Excuses Speech Masquerades As Apology

1 17 10 Bearman Cartoon Rush Limbaugh
1 17 10 Bearman Cartoon Rush Limbaugh (Photo credit: Bearman2007)
The Social Poets: 10 Advertisers Flee Pervert Rush Limbaugh After Weekend Excuses Speech Masquerades As Apology: From Denny: In an attempt to stem the angry national tsunami against him, Rush Limbaugh offered up a Pandora's box of lame excuses, claiming it was a sincere apology. His excuses came this weekend when the media wasn't watching closely - or so he thought.

What is the truth about number of Rush listeners?

For a radio talk show host that will not publicly verify his claim of 20 million listeners on 600 stations nationally, Rush Limbaugh's boat is rocking fast and furious as advertisers flee from the firestorm. To date, sometimes literally abandoning ship by the hour, there are now ten advertisers to leave his show or suspend their advertising.
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The Social Poets: Obama Speaks To Hate Merchants, Rush Limbaugh Insults To Women

Rush Limbaugh Cartoon by Ian D. Marsden of mar...
Image via Wikipedia
The Social Poets: Obama Speaks To Hate Merchants, Rush Limbaugh Insults To Women: From Denny: Rush Limbaugh refuses to apologize for "slut, prostitute and whore" comments against American women in general and against Sandra Fluke in particular. President Obama jumped into the fray, denying Limbaugh any satisfaction, phoning law student Fluke for an encouraging conversation.

Georgetown law student, Sandra Fluke, was prohibited from testifying to a House committee about support of government mandated contraceptive health care coverage.

The Republicans refused to allow any woman to testify unless they chose said woman for the all male religious panel that amounted to a predetermined outcome kangaroo court. The female politicians in the House were outraged so they held their own hearing for Fluke to testify publicly and honestly without editing from the Republicans preventing her liberty and free speech.
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