Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Today's Six Menu Choices at Five Blogs

From Denny: Here's what's going on today at a few blogs. I so love a menu of choices! :)

Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious And Odd: Did You Hear About the Latest Funny Cat Study? This is the short joke quote version.

Beautiful Illustrated Quotations: Did You Hear the Latest "Study"? Cat Law of Selective Hearing. This is the joke quote with a little personal commentary about the cat people in our house.

Romancing The Chocolate: Recipes: Chocolate Alcoholic Drinks That Taste Like Favorite Foods! The latest trend in bar drinks and fooling the tastebuds.

Comfort Food From Louisiana: Recipe: Fast and Easy Sloppy Joe Biscuit Pot Pies - great for the busy cook!

The Social Poets: Video: Uninsured America - a few facts about health care costs you may not know and if you know of some others, please leave your comments.

Yesterday at The Social Poets for humor:
This Weeks Roundup of Sunday Funnies - Cambridge Cop Arrests Obama - OK, since I'm a blue voter living in a dwindling red state going Independent until the Dems show they are trustworthy, the late night comedians take a stab at the Blue Dog Democrats.

I've been seeing a lot of ads by the AMA about Charlie Melancon and wondered what all the fuss was about as they were claiming he wasn't voting for health care which isn't the truth. I went to the Louisiana site of Charlie Melancon. He plans to vote for health care; he just wants it nailed down as how to pay for it.

He's a straight talker and taken on the most vociferous of local Republicans hell bent on driving him out of office. While I'm not happy this health care reform is taking so long I can understand it's best to get it right. However, we the public cannot wait any longer as the issue is pressing hard on all of us, especially as the largest population in America is getting older: the baby boomers.

Four Trials by John EdwardsImage via Wikipedia

This is a really good book about four cases Edwards tried against big business. Rarely, do I read political books as most are just marketing. These are true life stories of what happened to people and children who needed some justice.

The way to light a fire under all of Congress is to take away their health care and that of their families that is government funded. I find it hypocritical how the Republicans refuse to vote for health care reform and deride government health care when they benefit from the use of it themselves. Like former Presidential candidate John Edwards said, "Take away their health care. Let them see how difficult and expensive it is to pay for out of their own wallets, bankrupting families. Let them see how many in Congress could not even acquire health care because of pre-exisitng conditions like diabetes or a former bout with cancer." Yeah, works for me! :)

To purchase the Four Trials, go here.

Customer Review on the Four Trials

"5 Stars from Four Trials, March 21, 2004
By Dan Whipkey (Omaha, NE)

This review is from: Four Trials (Hardcover)
If you are looking for a candidate's standard election year political manifesto you won't find it here. What you will find is a can't put down page-turner. Sen. Edwards makes no political pronouncements or promises in this book. He has simply written deeply moving accounts of four notable cases he litigated before he became a national political figure. This book rivals anything John Grisham has to offer and what makes these stories so compelling is that they are about real events and real people. Interwoven throughout the book, Edwards gives us glimpses of his own personal story; his blue-collar upbringing, his rise from a young unpolished attorney to a highly successful trial lawyer, and sadly, the tragic death of his own teenage son.

The reader will also discover much about the ins-and-outs of our legal system. If you think of personal injury lawsuits as frivolous pursuits by ambulance chasing lawyers this book may just change your mind. Each of the four cases is about deceit and truth, tragedy and triumph, and each is heartbreaking as well as heartwarming. It is encouraging to find that in the end, at least in these cases, righteousness and justice prevails."

Comfort Food From Louisiana, Comfort Food, Food, Alcoholic beverage, Chocolate, Charlie Melancon, John Edwards

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