From Denny: The funny Tea Party willing to bring their own table to the party. They are so outrageous they will even wear it. There isn't much these folks won't do to get attention as anything goes. These folks make social commentary so incredibly easy. :) Take a look at cartoonist opinion this week.
Tea Party Politics:
Crazed Tea Party Politics:
Political strategist Karl Rove "Move Over!"
*** Be sure to check out this latest funny but true news stashed over at my humor blog, Dennys Funny Quotes:
Republican Tea Party of the Devil: Meet Satanist Christine ODonnell - Tea Party Delaware Senate nominee admits to practicing witchcraft and Satanism.
America and World Politics Cartoons - 25 Sept 2010 - Check out cartoonist opinion on American and world politics this week.
Funny Hunh?! Cartoons - 25 Sept 2010 - Check out this week's amusing observations about Life: relationships, pets and the tech world cartoons.
Cartoons About Our American Economy - 25 Sept 2010 - Check out cartoonist opinions this week on the state of the American economy.
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